The Dutch company Layar invented and facilitates the use of layers by the Augmented Reality Browser, framework and backend systems.
In the 3rd weekend of November 2011, the “Smartlappen Festival” takes place in Utrecht. With the Smartlappen Festival Utrecht Layer it is possible to locate your favorite performance.

For Dutch Psychologists Contractvrije Psycholoog designed the layer to find a psychologist in your neighbourhood independent from insurance companies: Layer Psycholoog Contractvrij.

Another nice layer shows the Tweets from Twitter around, reply directly or follow the twitter user.

Want to check recent pictures on Flickr in your neighbourhood? Access the “FlickR & R Around” Layer on your iPhone or Android .

Living or traveling in Canada and looking for a local company? Search and Find locally with the “Yellow Pages Canada” layer .

In the USA and the desire to listen to the radio on your mobile? Look for and find a radiostation around with the “Radio USA” layer. Access the “Radio USA” layer on your iPhone or Android.